Treatment Modalities
Botanical medicine
Botanical medicine is the use of plants and plant extracts to treat various conditions. Every culture on this planet has used plants over the millenniums. The Naturopathic botanical medicine tradition began with Sebastian Kniepp of Germany and the eclectic doctors of the North American tradition. With today's extensive research, we have much more knowledge of plants from around the world, from many traditions, broadening our botanical repertoire. Botanical formulas are prepared for the individual patient depending on their condition and needs.
Nutritional Medicine
Diet, supplementation to correct nutritional deficiencies, and application of nutritional research to clinical conditions are the three pillars of our nutritional approach. After a medical history, physical exam and lab tests, dietary changes are recommended. These changes are specific for each person's condition and findings. Nutritional deficiencies may be due to diet or poor absorption. Many deficiencies can be ascertained during the history and physical exam. Others are found through laboratory testing. Also, through extensive review of research in the field of nutrition we know that selected nutrients are beneficial for different conditions.
Naturopathic Manipulation
Naturopathic manipulation has been part of our scope of practice for over one hundred years. Manipulation consists of assessing the function of various joints of the body and making a low-amplitude adjustment in order to restore its function. Joints that are commonly manipulated include those of the spine and extremities. Manipulation is often accompanied by soft tissue work, acupuncture, and other therapeutic means of facilitating the manipulative thrust and restoration of joint function.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese traditional medicine, which has been practiced for thousands of years consists of diagnosis, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and dietary intervention. Chinese medicine is used for treatment of disease, prevention of disease and as a method to increase vitality. Historically Chinese medical doctors got paid for maintaining health and preventing disease. At the Dundas Naturopathic Centre we combine the diagnostic techniques of TCM with a western medical diagnosis using physical exam and laboratory findings. East meeting West gives us more tools to fully diagnose our patients. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and dietary changes are therapies used in our clinic to treat or prevent many conditions.
Homeopathy uses minute doses of plant, animal and mineral substances to treat or prevent conditions. The selection of the homeopathic medication is dependent on your specific symptoms. Ten patients with headache could receive ten different medications depending on how their headache manifests and their mental emotional state. The process of selecting a homeopathic medication requires an in-depth knowledge of a patient's mental, emotional and physical symptoms. This requires a lengthy interview, as we need to understand our patients on multiple levels more fully before we can prescribe.
Bowen Technique
The Bowen technique is a series of precise moves on specific body points. The moves are often at the point of insertion of the muscles and are light and gentle. They allow the muscle to relax and release tension. Bowen was developed by the late Tom Bowen of Australia. For more than 40 years it has been used to treat a variety of illnesses. The first seminar was in 1986 in Australia. The training came to Canada in 1994 and Drs. May, ND and Saunders, ND were certified in 1995.
Parenteral Therapy
Parenteral Therapy includes the use of vitamins, minerals, nutritional cofactors, and botanicals administered by intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intravenous methods. The substances administered can be individualized to each patient's particular health needs. Examples where parenteral therapy may be used include celiac disease, anemia, severe infections, and cancer.